SpectraFlake Holographic Chrome Prism Effect Flake

SpectraFlake Holographic Chrome Prism Effect Flake



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SpectraFlake holographic pigment is a  light diffractive colourant that generates the appearance of multiple, bright rainbow producing prisms moving over a heavy metallic silver colour. The combination of rainbow-like colour and large pigment flake diameter to thickness ratio of SpectraFlake pigment create the appealing, iridescent, sparkle silver metallic appearance.

The pigment changes from a typical metallic appearance in low illumination, to vivid, multi-rainbow holographic effects in direct light. SpectraFlake pigment is a neutral colour that may be used as the sole colourant or combined with other pigments and dyes to create subtle, sophisticated dimensions in applications such as in paints, resins and more.

SpectraFlake can be used in most applications including coatings and cosmetics